Thanks to Alex Morgan for sharing his photos and description of his recent trip bikerafting Patagonia!
Bikerafting Patagonia's Aysen Region
The goal for this trip was to explore off the main Carretera Austral route I did in 2012 onto smaller X-number roads that are not as busy with tourist traffic. I also wanted to incorporate My Alpacka Raft Mule raft. It would enable me to to enjoy the incredible mass amount of water in the Aysen region of Patagonia.
I am a rookie rafter. But the route I had set looked good from satellite… Isn’t that how we all start?
Patagonia winds always need to be accounted for. My Crossing of the Lago General Carrera, the second largest lake in South America, needed to have the winds light to be safe. But I lucked out and hit a great window. And I was able to paddle 5.5 miles with relatively no swell. The day before that I Floated a brisk 5mph for 25 miles down the Rio Murta. There, I dodged large Snags from past Glofs. And one Class II rapid made for a fun first float.
I can’t let 12 years go by again before I go back down there. It’s a great place that’s reminiscent of where I live in Northern NM, just what it might have been like 40 years ago with massively more water and mountains! Alex Morgan